Hazard Mitigation Plan

FEMA defines hazard mitigation as those actions taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to people, property, the social infrastructure, or the environment from hazards and their effects. Hazard mitigation planning is the process of determining the best means of reducing or eliminating these risks.

The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) is the federal impetus for the Region 5 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This act, amending the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency PAGE ES-5

REGION 5 ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN – 2015-2020 EDITION BASE PLAN Assistance Act, added a new section 322 on Mitigation Planning. Section 322 requires each jurisdiction wishing to receive mitigation funds through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program, to abate or reduce the threat from local hazards by means of an approved mitigation plan. This legislation is codified as 44 CFR Part 201. The specifics that local jurisdictions are to follow in developing their plans are outlined in 44 CFR

The Plan’s Goals

All jurisdictions worked together to come up with a list of goals that would represent their views and will create a foundation for the mitigation measures they develop. The goals are:

  • Protect Life and Property,
  • Ensure Continuity of Operations,
  • Establish and Strengthen Partnerships for Implementation,
  • Protect or Restore Natural Resources,
  • Increase Public Preparedness for Disasters, and
  • Promote a Sustainable Economy.

Each mitigation measure in the individual jurisdictions portion of the plan addresses one or more of these goals. In many cases the measures address multiple goals or even all the goals.

Region 5 is an extremely diverse community. It ranges in elevation from sea level to 14,410 feet. Some of the jurisdictions active in this planning process are totally surrounded by forests with limited access. Others are isolated on islands in the middle of Puget Sound. Some are urban, others rural. They range in size from a few hundred to nearly 200,000. Yet they all have a desire to improve the health and safety of the citizens that reside within their borders. The charge of these 76 plans is to assist citizens with that process. In essence, to help the jurisdictions protect their citizens from the hazards that threatens their homes, their livelihood, and themselves.

As time has progressed the population of Region 5 has continued to expand and with this expansion comes an increase in vulnerability. The hazards are not going to go away, so it is time to learn from the past, evaluate options, and develop plans to mitigate the effects of the hazards. To do that requires foresight, imagination, and the will to overcome the obstacle of inertia. These 76 jurisdictions have continued to take steps in this process. They have had the foresight to develop their plans, keep them current and move forward, developing the foundation for a safer tomorrow.

For additional information and questions about the Specific 2020-2025 Plan for RCC please contact John Cammon at 253-405-2385 or via email at john@rivieraclub.org

Hazard Mitigation Plan-Part 1   Hazard Mitigation Plan-Part 2